
Sunday 30 July 2017

Miss Buchanan's Fantail and Kereru Reading Groups will read this article in class together, focusing on Self-Monitoring our own reading. 

This means that we will be learning to recognise whether what we are reading is making sense, finding important information in a text and discussing parts we found interesting. 

Addition and Subtraction Games

Thursday 27 July 2017

100 Days Party

We've been anticipating this days for months! Finally, we're celebrating having been at school for 100 days! With '100' themed dress ups, and tonnes of fun things planned, it was a guaranteed to be a great day!

In Room 6 we used our creativity to design a picture based around the numerals 100... the results were great!

Pop in to our classroom to see our amazing pictures on the wall!

In Room 7, the kids made structures with a 100 objects...

In Room 8, the kids participated in a outdoor Maths Scavenger hunt..

In Room 9, they made Pic Collages about the number 100 on the iPads. And in Room 10, they made a range of paper chains - 5 each - to count up to 100.

What a fabulous day!

 I wonder what adventures the next 100 days in school will hold? 

Science Roadshow

This week, we had a great time exploring the Science Roadshow. The presenters put on two wonderful shows for us where we got to witness a range of amazing experiments, and we also had plenty of time to get our hands on the many exciting science exhibits, trying to figure out how everything worked. 

Watch out for the slime!

How did he do that? The drinks just kept changing!

Whoa! Look at it go...

"Hi Ammiel..."

Why couldn't we touch the pig?

What can you see Lucy?